Category Archives: Life


Category : Life

My heart had been beating for years now. I started at fifteen but wouldn’t finish until five years later. From the constant lies, I told myself to the life issues that became a distraction, I couldn’t finish. So why now? How did I finally find the courage to take a big leap forward. It was simple, I saw myself dead with nothing attached to my name.

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Category : Life

Everyone has something they are shooting for or working towards. Everyone has a creative artist in them. Unfortunately, most of us allow the spontaneous, creative side of us to be beaten by adults or other authority. We feel as if these ideas and feelings should be left in a child’s place. Some of us fight back against the temptation to do what our heart longs to do. It may be because we feel pressure and doubt from others. It ultimately falls back on us giving in to our own doubts and fears. It sucks when we can get in the way of ourselves and become our own enemy.

How can you win against yourself? You may have to enjoy being miserable.

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Category : Health

Everyone at some point in their life dedicated time towards working out and staying in shape. However, you may start working out without a plan or goal and even worse the wrong motivation.


Category : Life

One of the best moments of my life took place a while back. An interview that may very well set me on the path I wish to be on. The time was 10:03 AM when the call from Randy J. Mitchell (yes that is his website go and check it out) came.

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Category : Happiness Life


I believe everyone goes through the same stages in life. Those stages only come up when you are closing in on your dreams. The key words here are CLOSING IN. The closer you are the stronger resistance comes to clip your wings, then laugh as you fall on your face. Yes, it sucks to know that while you are doing good life will try to ruin everything but it’s true. There is a way to get around this though. Are you ready to find out how to win this constant game called “Life”?

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Category : Happiness Life Writing

Screen Shot 2016-06-05 at 6.29.52 PM

This will probably be the shortest post ever on this site. But I just had to say my day has been phenomenal. I am truly amazed that I was posted and displayed on Top ReactJS News. I enjoy everything on the site and I feel kinda famous being posted on there. I’ll keep working and sharing.


Category : Life Technology

My Codepen React profile
Click to CodePen…

Came to a conclusion

I ran into a little problem. I understood enough HTML to markup any page. I may not be a JavaScript master but simple interactions or behaviors aren’t a difficult task for me to make happen. Plus, jQuery and the documentation, tutorials, and resources built around that framework can get me up and run on anything. I’m getting craftier with CSS3, well I should say SASS. All these starting foundations are great.

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Category : Happiness Life

Man standing on cliff with arms raised high.

May 12, 2016


Facing “IT”

I had this feeling I couldn’t shake for a while. This pill labeled “DT,” I just couldn’t swallow. The thing that worries me, even more, was that I wasn’t physically sick, maybe somewhat paralyzed but there was no need for the pill. The form of mental sickness that I had was created by me, and only can be fixed by me. Doubt is a hard pill to swallow. It’s hard to realize that you have it and you need to take it for what it is.

Once, you realize that you are doubting so much, you can overcome so much as well. Those words, phrases, and opinions have sunk into you. They have consumed you: “you’re not good enough,” “it doesn’t work,” “you can’t do that,” “no one cares”. So, many more of them have increased the doubt. Truth be told you can call it what you want but it’s “fear” you must “face”. I’ve been working on Web development, well at least the front-end side of things. It’s been at least 6 months now, it’s not easy teaching yourself how to code.

It’s extremely hard when you have so much you have to juggle in life. I don’t want to let my parents down either. Everyone is watching me, many criticizing and waiting for me to fail. Then there are others, the select few who are with me and supportive. It gets worse, the people you love the most that don’t see your dream and doesn’t understand your focus. Sometimes, I feel like I can’t do this and I should cut my losses and go to the Military. My father did it, most of my cousins did it, I guess it’s part of the family. I can’t run from that or maybe I should just be an electrician or join some other trade.

I’m around construction workers all the time. They like me and ask if I want to join all the time. You know that seems easier than pursuing this dream. I have no college education, no certificates, all I have is my drive and hours of work I’ve put in. No one cares about that. So, I’ll stop and do something easier and reasonable.

Or maybe I should stop making excuses and do what I said I will do. I don’t care of it takes me until next month, next year or five years. I am going to FACE IT and I am going to GET IT.

Guts In Order To Get “IT”

I told myself May 11, 2016, that I would make the calls and send the emails that day. I was pumping myself up, telling myself, “I am good enough, someone will listen and give me my shot.” The truth is I was nervous and kinda excited. The only thing that matters is the fact that I did it. I had to guts to call at least five companies in my area and send emails. I did this just to prove that I believe in myself and I know for fact I got what it takes.

See this may seem small to you, but to me, it’s big I took the initiative that I was scared to move on before. See I changed my mindset and instantly won the minute I did. I told myself out of all the companies I will contact at least one will answer and help. Sure enough, I got that one person and now I’m speaking it into existence that it will be more. I am confident now, my mind is full of belief and I am hungry for my version of success.

I look forward to my version of triumph no one else’s. I realized chasing after everyone else’s acceptance is what keeps you in fear for a long time. Now, it seems clear, say it… believe it… then go do it. Shoot for your own goals, your own success, and dreams. That’s how you obtain the good life. That’s how you live happy and successful. That’s part of the grind, the pain, and joy of LIFE ITSELF.

I say this for myself and others who just need a little push to chase their dream. Where are your guts? I heard once that if you do what you say 70% of the time guess what? Your average. If you do what you say 80% of the time guess what? You’re good. If you are the select few who have the guts to do what they say 90% of the time, guess what? You’re great! I’m trying to be great.

What about you?

Life Description

Category : Life

The posts that follow in this section will cover: life experiences, excitement and lessons. I will share my opinions and views on life in general. There will be a lot of interesting things here. I hope to change your perspective for the better and change your mind. I am sure this section will be very informative, entertaining and helpful.


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